If your burger night is feeling played out, then these salmon patties are sure to shake things up a little. A quick mix of goat cheese, oregano, olive...
In this crusty open-face sandwich, salmon fillets rubbed with a mixture of spices -- including cumin, fennel, thyme, oregano, and cayenne pepper -- are...
A make-ahead, freezable entree that's not a casserole. These baked salmon fillets are prepped and ready to go from the freezer to the oven when you need...
Prepare this salmon under the broiler or on the grill. If you don't like to eat the skin of the salmon, you can remove it prior to serving. If you do like...
Give salmon a rich, Southern twist in this recipe from "Simple, Fresh, Southern: Knockout Dishes with Down-Home Flavor," by chefs Matt and Ted Lee. Try...
This Japanese-inspired dinner is like a deliciously deconstructed salmon-and-avocado roll. This recipe comes from our book "Clean Slate: A Cookbook and...
Poached salmon should be cooked ever so gently in barely simmering liquid until the center is just slightly translucent. Here, we've flaked it into a flavorful...
Now that's a spectacular side of salmon! The fish gets its jewel-like color and deep flavor from a marinade of grated beets, fresh dill, horseradish, and...
John Howie, executive chef for the Palisades restaurant in Seattle, is renown for his version of cedar plank roasted salmon -- a dish first developed by...
You'll have more green sauce than you'll need for this recipe, but it will keep in the refrigerator at least a week. Spoon it on steak, chicken, pasta,...
The idea behind this beautiful and delicious lunch or dinner salad is to use up all the remnants left in your refrigerator from the weekend's meals. Hard-boiled...
Roasted salmon fillets rest on a bed of watercress. Buttermilk and sour cream are blended with spinach, parsley, and watercress in a creamy green sauce...